Carmel English Meduim School, CBSE Kotekar held an Awareness Program on POCSO on 26th July, 2024 to its students. The program aimed to educate students, teachers, and staff about the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012, and its importance in preventing and reporting child abuse.

The session began with a beautiful prayer song by the students, setting a serene and respectful tone for the program.

The resource persons were Sowbhagya Shetty K, Legal cum Probation Officer, District Child Protection Unit, Mangalore, Mr. Wazeer Ahammed, Protection Officer Non-Institutional Care, District Child Protection Unit, Mangalore.

The program featured interactive workshops, expert talks, role-playing sessions, and resource distribution. Sowbhagya Shetty K and Wazeer Ahammed led the sessions, explaining the POCSO Act's key provisions, reporting mechanisms, and providing insights from child protection professionals. Through role-playing sessions, students were made aware of responding to potential abuse situations, enhancing their understanding of recognizing and reporting abuse. Informational brochures and guides were also distributed to reinforce the learning experience.

The program yielded positive outcome, including increased awareness of the POCSO Act and its importance, improved knowledge on recognizing and reporting abuse, and positive feedback from participants. The program successfully equipped the school community with essential knowledge to protect children from various kinds of abuse.

In conclusion, the POCSO Awareness Programme was a vital step towards creating a safe environment for children. The school commits to sustaining this awareness and fostering a culture of child protection. Regular refresher sessions, establishing a child protection committee, and encouraging open communication channels for reporting abuse are recommended to reinforce the program's impact.

The school's leadership team, including Sr. Pramila D'Souza AC Principal of the school, Sr. Anitha D'Souza A.C the Vice Principal and Coordinator Sr. Ashwina, were present to show their support and commitment to child protection.




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