The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." – Mahatma Gandhi

On the 7th day of saptha shiksha carmel School kotekar, successfully organized a Community Involvement Day on July 27th 2024 emphasizing the importance of community service and active participation in social activities. The event aimed to instill valuable life lessons in students and foster a sense of social responsibility.

A session was held to educate 10th-grade students about the dangers of tobacco use, followed by a quiz to reinforce their understanding. Students were encouraged to share their knowledge with peers and family members.

Students participated in an art competition, creating drawings and slogans to promote a tobacco-free lifestyle. This activity aimed to reinforce the anti-tobacco message creatively.

Our students served milk to Kannada medium students, promoting the value of sharing and caring for fellow community members.

A "Brush Your Teeth" campaign was conducted to teach children the importance of maintaining good dental hygiene. Students demonstrated proper brushing techniques and explained the benefits of regular dental care. They participated in sessions about the importance of healthy eating habits. The discussions emphasized the benefits of a balanced diet and how it contributes to overall well-being. As a part of the event, students prepared and served nutritious meals, reinforcing the importance of healthy food choices.

A skit was performed to raise awareness about dengue fever. The performance educated viewers on prevention methods and the importance of maintaining a clean environment to avoid mosquito breeding.Students distributed informative pamphlets to workers at nearby construction sites, highlighting the significance of preventing dengue through health and safety practices.

The Community Involvement Day provided students with an opportunity to learn important values such as empathy, teamwork, and social responsibility. By actively participating in these activities, students gained a better understanding of community needs and the importance of contributing positively to society. Both students and teachers actively engaged in the day's activities, reflecting a strong commitment to community service.

The event was successful,, fostering a sense of community and awareness among students. It not only educated them about the significant health and social issues but also encouraged them to take an active role in addressing these challenges. Carmel School remains committed to nurturing socially responsible individuals who contribute meaningfully to their communities.







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