Carmel English Medium Higher Primary School in Kotekar celebrated the graduation day of their Kindergarten class today. The ceremony commenced at 10:30 a.m. with a procession of the graduates in their caps and gowns. Parents, family members, and teachers gathered to honor the young graduates with enthusiasm and pride. Each graduate received a personalized certificate of completion, acknowledging their accomplishments during their time in kindergarten. Special performances, including songs, dances, and recitations, showcased the talents and creativity of the students. Graduates walked across the stage to receive their diplomas, representing a diverse range of academic disciplines and backgrounds. Notable speeches were delivered, inspiring the graduates with words of wisdom and encouragement. The event was attended by proud families, faculty members, and distinguished guests, creating a supportive atmosphere of celebration and camaraderie. Graduates expressed gratitude for the support and guidance they received throughout their academic journey. In conclusion, the kindergarten graduation day was a joyous and memorable occasion, marking the beginning of a new chapter for the young learners as they embark on their future endeavors.
























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