The Annual General Meeting of the PTA of Carmel English Medium Higher Primary School Kotekar for classes KG to VI was held on Tuesday, 18th July 2023 in the school premises.

The meeting began with a prayer followed by a graceful welcome dance.

The Principal Sr. Jacintha D'Sa accorded a heartfelt welcome to the parents and introduced the speaker Mr.Manoj Louis to the gathering. The Joint Secretary Sr. Julian Mary A.C graced the occasion by her presence.

A virtual annual report was presented, providing a concise overview of the school’s academic activities and programs conducted during the 2022-23 academic year. Financial statements of the PTA were presented by Mrs. Prafulla.

The chief guest Mr. Manoj Louis spoke on “Positive Parenting”. He urged parents to make time for their children, appreciate them and love them. Issues of parenting are being over possessive, being indifferent, being too strict, dual parenting, family time , comparison etc. He concluded his message with the formula “Parents +Teacher= Successful Kids”.

The School Principal informed the parents of the rules and regulations of the school. She stressed on the children being the most important collaborative team work by the parents as well as teachers due to the constant change in the society is need of the hour. She further requested the parents to keep a close vigilance on the actions of their child, and to further keep in constant touch with the house mothers and teachers.

The Election to the new executive committee was conducted by Mrs Shrikala and Mrs Shalet Goveas. Space for doubts and queries was allotted which was used fruitfully by a few parents. The meeting proved to be a very fruitful one. The Programme was compered by the teacher Vanisha. Teacher Rita rendered heartfelt words of gratitude. The meeting concluded by singing of the National anthem.

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