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Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Our Lady of Mount Carmel is the title given to the blessed Virgin Mary in her role as patroness of the Carmelite Order. On July 16, the feast of our Lady of Mount Carmel, the patroness of our school, we recall Mary’s motherly patronage, guiding us gently to the Mount of Carmel, to experience the inter connection with the divine. She watches unceasingly over us with a mother’s loving care and protection.

Foundress, Mother Veronica

Mother Veronica (1823 – 1906) (nee Miss Sophie Leeves) Born on October 1, 1823, she was received into the Catholic Church on February 2, 1850. Education had always been her forte, and so, this committed and zealous English woman took it up as a challenge to found a new congregation to fulfill her dream; she would prepare well equipped sisters to impart education to girls, especially on the west coast of India.

About Carmel Central School Kotekar


Stella Maris Primary School was started by the Apostolic by the Apostolic Carmel Sisters in 1932. The Carmel Primary school started in 2006 and Carmel English Medium High school in 2008 in order to the needs of the many children seeking English as Medium institution. Constitutions of India (Article No.30 (1)).


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Principal’s Message

Dear Students, Parents and Staff,

“Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education” said Martin Luther King Jr. We are involved in a noble task of building a fine character in our students. It is a huge and noble task. It involves shaping not only their minds but also their hearts and souls.


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Carmel School, CBSE observes International Day of Literacy

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Sep 15, 2024 : In honour of ‘Swachchta Pakwada’ a programme introduced by the CBSE Board, Carmel English Medium School, CBSE, Kotekar organized an hour of awareness session on the Harmful... more

Carmel School, CBSE, Kotekar celebrates National Sports Day

The National Sports Day celebration was held at Carmel English Medium Higher Primary School, Kotekar (CBSE), on August 29, 2024. The programme was organized by the 4B class students. more


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